公共での咳、くしゃみの仕方 -How to sneeze in public-

It's getting colder here in Japan finally.
I often see people coughing or sneezing on the train. It's very popular to wear a mask in Japan for some reasons like as prevention of catching the viruses or infecting someone else , or some ladies just want to hide her face with no make up.
When the person around me sneeze without a mask, it makes me worried if I possibly infected by the virus. But looking back when the same thing happened in NY subways, I did not have to worry about it because people sneeze in their shirts or jacket as if it's unwritten rule.
When they feel aw, I'm going to sneeze! then they pick their edge of the shirts and sneeze in their shirts so it doesn't spread out in the air or dirt their hand. The clothes will be washed and the person who sneezed will get showered anyway. I realized that's the wonderful way to sneeze in public!!
The way I sneeze impressed a professor when I accidentally sneezed during the technical class in London.
Please try sneezing in your clothes when you have a chance to sneeze;)