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速く本能的vs遅く分析的 Fast&intuitive vs Slow&analytical
















Just finished reading a book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" written by Daniel Kahneman.

We live our lives means, big or small, we are continuously making decisions. The book shows us how we make decisions consciously and unconsciously, biases that we have in each systems, and by knowing them, we might be able to make better decisions in our lives.

He is not a neuroscientist, but a psychologist and behavioral economist, so the book doesn't tell much about what is happening to our actual human body chemically with the way of our decision making.

In the book, he is describing the theory in the behavioral science as System1 and System2 thinking.

System1 is the fast and intuitive approach. You look at something and the idea that comes up without thinking.

Both systems are needed and used for almost all processes of our decision making, and basically we should know that both systems has biases.

System1 doesn't require much effort. 'What you see is everything. What comes up without thinking.'

System2 requires effort to put the fast, intuitive ideas aside.

We can find some articles (THE MARKETING SOCIETY and THE ECONOMICS REVIEW AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY), that we are able to see the idea of interaction in between those systems and the brain functions as well as the areas of the brain that associated to it. System1, the type of thinking for emotional response is located at the mesolimbic Dopamine reward system. This pathway is responsible for the release of Dopamine. Dopamine plays a key role in "thinking fast".

System2, that has the analytic system of decision making, is linked to the Frontal and Parietal cortex. This region is more associated with our complex reasoning and higher-order "slow" thinking.

As human beings, we tend to have a problem with the delay of gratification and prefer instant reward. This must mean that the mesolimbic pathway is more impatient than the fronto-parietal system.

As a research shows if we are asked to choose either receiving $20 Amazon gift card now or $30 in 2 weeks (short term decision making), people tend to choose to receive $20 now, that means mesolimbic system1 dominant for short term decision making. But if people need to pick either $20 in 4 weeks or $30 in 6 weeks (long term decision making), people tend to choose $30 in 6 weeks that means prefrontal cortex is activated and system 2 dominant in long term decision making.

There are a lot of foods, drinks, and activities that occurs explosion of Dopamine and make people addictive unconsciously. If you tend to view short term perspective in decision making, this idea must be able to give you another choice before you make a decision only with something comes up without thinking. (I know it's still hard, since system 2 requires effort.)


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