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なぜ私がストレッチを勧めないか why I don't recommend stretches










解剖学の専門用語に、ROM(ロム、Range Of Motion)というのがある。これは日本語にすると可動域だろうか。



The population of Yogi has been increased worldwide, and the people often think the flexible the healthier as common sense though, I have a skeptical view toward it to be honest.

When you do the stretch, there's communication between muscle and spinal cord through nerve, and some neurotransmitters secreted in the brain so you feel good. And as same as you do jogging or exercise, muscles stretches and contracts (muscle stretched means the antagonist muscle is contracted) and it'll help blood vessels and lymphatic system runs better.

These sounds nothing bad. Even sounds good. It wouldn't be any problem if you use stretch as sending signal to tell your brain that you are going to start to do exercise soon. Or you can use stretch as refreshment in between your work to change your mood.

What I just don't recommend is the large angle stretches that possibly hurt your ligament still you hard to stop because it feels good. This "ahh--- feels good" feeling is because of Endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are one of the neurotransmitters (chemical substances) that produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and the Central Nervous System(CNS) and distributed specially in the reward system. Endorphin bring you euphoria and also has analgesic effect similar to morphine. It is addictive as same as Dopamine.

Skeletal muscle tissue is the lump of threads. Direction of the muscle fiber is detected with its Origin and Insertion (muscle attachment). When muscle is stretched, often it's lengthened along the muscle fiber. It has similar effect with stripping in massage skill which is worked toward the same direction along the muscle fiber.

What I would more appreciate is "Cross fiber friction" which is worked perpendicularly against the muscle fiber. With gentle pressure and subtle movement, I palpate and try to identify the unnecessary adhesions that occurs in between muscles, myofascia and/or ligaments that has different fiber directions so the each muscles can work smoothly. Also I concentrate on to image the bone alignment with bony landmarks, the locations of muscles and ligaments compare to anatomical position that has no load against gravity. One of the biggest goal of my session is to create the client's bony alignment easy to stand on the ground, with no load against the gravity like the skeletons in anatomical position. (By the way I own a skeleton named Johnny, and he looks like smiling at all time:))

You can't expect the "Ahhhh. Feels good" moment or addictiveness in my session. If you want it, there're tons of them out there. Mine is the original method that I created based on knowledge of Anatomy and it's still on my way to perfection which might not be reachable until my life closes, though I have a feeling of progress day by day, little by little, with effort of doing what I can do in a day.

When I was in New York and London, I saw many dancers and yoga teachers as a massage therapist. They had more than enough flexibility in their each joints. Even though their joints were loose, they were fighting against the pain most of the time in a year.

Of course I also didn't have an idea of doubting the common sense like "loose the tight area". The better looser idea might be the default idea that we accept intuitively since that's what we actually feel through our nerve.

Why I started to doubt the default idea is because I had to admit the truth that stretch actually gave me the temporal relief but it wasn't the essential solution for longer period of time after I demanded help for stretch, shiatsu, acupuncture or regular massages for over 15 years. Even after I became a massage therapist, I still had some symptoms of pain and still couldn't find the solution for longer term other than the short term compromise, things like stretches I've learnt at college so I recommended them to my clients, even though I've been trying to ignore my feeling of excuses to get away from the responsibilities.

One day I faced to the reality of most of the clients at the massage offices where I worked, came back with the same symptoms that they had last time they visited, often they required stronger pressure, and they were satisfied after the sessions. Many of them came back more frequently with the same issues and I usually gave some advice to my client after the session, and I used to recommend to do stretches often. I started to feel like "Am I really doing the right thing?" with helplessness. Because my coworkers (Massage Therapist), dancers and yoga teachers who is making their lives with health business around me was most likely unhealthy. Still they looked as if they were concentrated on showing themselves healthy, included myself at that time.

ROM means Range of motion in anatomical term. We have normal range of motion in each joints. For example, one of the famous image of flexibility of human can be widely opened up legs. The movement of the one of the leg is called "Abductor of hip joint" which has 0-45 degrees as normal ROM. 45 degrees on each leg. Like this, the splits is way out of the normal ROM. What happening in the splits is one of the core muscle Adductors, the inner thigh muscles are too stretched. If you stretch the muscle frequently and its elongated, muscles get weak. So the muscle that is necessary to tense to maintain the good bone alignment against the gravity get elongated and weak. You can imagine the risk of injury can be increased with weak and imbalanced muscles. The another biggest risk of the excessive stretches out of normal ROM are the injuries of tendons that connect bone and muscle, or the ligaments that connect bone to bone. They have soft collagenous and fibrous tissue which is different from the muscle tissue.

Many people still do excessive stretches because they believe it's good for themselves even symptoms are not improving. You feel good so it must be a good thing idea can be made with the system 1 decision making (Please read the previous article or the book "Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman" if you have no idea about the systems), and what I would like to include with my idea to create my session is the system 2 choice that specifically strengthening the inner core muscles maintaining the normal range of motion in each joints. If you want to know the normal range of motion of each joints, you can google them. Sure enough stretch has beneficial effects such as increasing blood flow, improving hormone secretion that you can normally obtain with excises, helps you to change your mood...etc.

You can refer the list of normal ROM and activate your System 2, and you should be careful with angles and frequency if you still love to do stretches, so you could receive the benefit of stretches fully with good balance.


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